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Demili-Art’s mission is to infuse new life into demilitarized firearms, crafting unique works of art that embody history, inspire reflection, and spark conversations.

Explore our newest pieces

Uzi Grip Encased

$395.00 USD
$1,800.00 USD
$995.00 USD

Driven by a lifelong passion for history, art, product design, and invention. Our inspiration comes from the desire to create unique and captivating pieces that beautifully combine the realms of history and artistic mastery. We specialize in transforming demilitarized firearms into remarkable works of art that tell stories, triggering thought and emotion.

Each Demili-Art piece is carefully crafted and features a unique design that highlights the intricate details of the torch-cut receiver and original parts. These pieces come in a variety of configurations including the Historical Series and others using the demilitarized weapon as a canvas for creativity and expression, creating a striking three-dimensional display that showcases the unique beauty of each piece.

Whether you’re a collector, history enthusiast, or simply appreciate the beauty of unique contemporary pop art sculpture, our Demili-Art works are sure to impress. Add a one-of-a-kind piece to your collection capturing the raw beauty and prior functionality of these long since retired machines.

Our Blog

Artistic Alchemy: Exploring the Fusion of Art and Firearms

In the realm where art and weaponry converge, artists carve out a distinctive niche, crafting pieces that transcend the conventional boundaries of both realms. Renowned sculptor Al Farrow, for instance, employs disarmed firearms and ammunition to construct intricate religious structures.

Ten Interesting Facts About the Uzi

The Uzi, developed by Uziel Gal in the early 1950s, is renowned for its innovative design. Gal sought to create a compact and highly reliable submachine gun for military use, leading to the Uzi’s iconic features.